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We now have an up-to-date searchable database available
exclusively for our online customers.
At Cambridge Apartments,
we have the best quality loft, apartment, and condominium rentals in the
Cambridge area! We service Harvard Square, Central Square,
Kendall Square, Porter Square, and
other areas surrounding
the Red Line "T". We work with the top landlords in the area,
who care about their properties and tenants. At Cambridge
Apartments, you can choose from a classic Two Family home with
hardwood floors, modern kitchen and bath, and a wonderful deck to a
modern highrise luxury building with concierge.
Boston Rental
Exchange, Inc., our parent company, realizes that your time is
valuable. They have implemented the latest in technology to help you
find the perfect place, while making the process enjoyable.
Please call one of our professional rental agents today. They
will be more than happy to help you. Our agents really care and
will take the time and listen to you.
At Boston Rental Exchange, Inc., our one goal is simple - To truly
make Cambridge Apartments:
"The Place Where Tenants And Landlords Meet!"